
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Weekly List

i know, i know.  i'm two days late with my list.  what can i say.  i'm feeling better, but that's such a relative term.  i seem to be officially over the flu, but i still have the nasty cough and congestion, and i'm just so dang tired! in fact, this is my second day back at work, and i'm blogging because it's the only thing keeping me from curling up under my desk and napping.

i've been trying to sew a little bit, but i find i can't do much of anything at a time.

i did make these three blocks, from a pattern in Issue 4 of Love Patchwork & Quilting, a British magazine i love:

i love paper piecing, but i struggle with curves.  this block combined both.  after the first block, i just cute my inner and outer curved pieces angles larger from the arc seam out, so that i could trim down to size.  this seemed to work out well for me.  i used Kona Coal as my background, although, if you look at the bottom photo, it seems i may have used bits from two different dye lots!  whoops!  the prints are all from 5" charms of various Anna Maria Horner fabrics from a flickr swap i participated in about 6 months ago.

i was thinking about sewing the three blocks together into a long rectangle and making a table runner.  now i'm thinking about using just two blocks for the outer part of a tote bag.  indecision, indecision.

i also achieved my goals from last week, being to finish the K & L blocks for the Feathers QAL, and to make a fabric basket.

goals for this week:

1) finish M & N Blocks for feathers QAL
2) cut batting, baste and quilt ColorParty quilt

and i think that's enough for this week!

1 comment:

smazoochie said...

At the top of your list should be "don't push myself"!
I hadn't paid that much attention to that block in LP&Q, but you are making it look very appealing.
Take care, you've been pretty sick.